Enneagram Type 6

Sixes belong to the Head Centre. They want to be safe and secure, feel a sense of belonging, and ensure that things go smoothly with little or no shocks. Unsurprisingly, they function best when rules are defined, with clear structures and systems. Sixes are doubting and sceptical by nature. Their curiosity prompts them to ask a lot of questions, seek clarification and are very prepared, in fact over-prepared, and this deprives them of practicing spontaneity. Their planning does bring big advantages in the form of reliability, fluid thinking processes and contingency plans when unforeseen circumstances happen. There are 2 sides to Six, frequently referred to as the Phobic or Counterphobic Six. The phobic Six constantly fears the worst and takes precautions to try to ensure these fears are minimised. The counterphobic Six, while still motivated by fear, chooses to fight their fear by pushing through it with strength and sometimes, intimidation.

Subtypes for the Type Six

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