Enneagram Type 2

The Type 2 child often felt that they did not receive the love or care that they needed in childhood, and are driven to earn love by stepping up, helping or sacrificing their needs for others. Hence their definition of love as a child became one of outpouring and sacrifice without understanding or experiencing much reciprocity. As a result, they deny their own needs and feelings, and choose to focus on others, with their self-worth inflated or deflated by whether others approve or disapprove of them.
- Sacrificing: Twos have a preoccupation with making a difference in the lives of others, almost to a point of living to support people. As the Scouts’ motto goes, they believe in “service before self”. If a friend has a problem, Twos will use their warmth, kindness and unconditional giving to comfort and care.
- Twos are usually enthusiastic, energetic, fun-loving, and have a good sense of humour. They will hardly rain on your parade and can be your most ardent supporter.
- They are emotionally perceptive, almost possessing a radar on those whom they care about. They give good eye-contact and can pace with you on every level if you are on the list of people they choose to make a difference to. Rest assured that you have a devoted friend for life.
- They are generous leaders and motivators. They see the best in others and can motivate and inspire through their energy and enthusiasm. There is a sense of happiness in their presence and a charm that feels authentic and peaceful.
- They sense feelings very quickly thanks to their constant levels of eye-contact and emotional attunement. They are comforting, empathic, listen well and hence very therapeutic to have around when others are in distress.
Any type becomes Unresourceful when they begin to over-do some of the thoughts and behaviours that are typical of the type.
Overindulgent: Twos find it difficult to refuse or say ‘No’. Their inclination to make others happy is usually accompanied by a resistance to say what’s really on their minds since it might mean rejecting others and being rejected.
Since some Twos have a challenge rejecting others and putting the needs of others before their own, their focus of attention is hardly on themselves and people may take advantage of their kindness and have high expectations of them. This vicious cycle of focusing on others and neglecting self leads to low self-esteem.
Self-neglect: Twos can feel drained from overextending themselves because of their unconscious need to serve, and this cycle can continue until they recognise that their own needs are being neglected. Twos sometimes do not indulge in things they really like to do for fear of being labelled self-centred.
Manipulative: Certain Twos can be manipulative when they get upset that others don’t reciprocate their kindness. They work so hard to be tactful and considerate that they suppress their real feelings, and find it hard to accept anything from others. This can result in them feeling taken for granted or lead to a victim mindset.
Try not to be concerned about winning everyone’s heart. You can’t please everyone as you have a duty to be yourself. Realise that it is okay and healthy to take care of yourself.
Recognise the fact that not everyone will express their affection in the same way as you do because few are “other centred” like you. Try to recognise the different ways that others show appreciation instead.
Learn to develop boundaries when you choose to help people. Remember, that your duty is not to be responsible for others at the expense of your own needs.
Learn to recognise if you are using excessive flattery and how it may affect your level of sincerity.
Enlarge your perception of yourself to include activities and contributions to life rather than just caring for others.
Twos tend to give too much and then regret it. Be brutally honest about your motives and check if they are manipulative or conditional. Your need to be needed might be causing you to care for others so that they become dependent on you. Once you are intentional, you build authenticity and become grounded in your own self-worth.
Subtypes for the Type Two
PRIVILEGE: is childlike, seeks love through care and support, but more ambivalent about connecting with others. Warm, generous, they fear being unwanted. They nurture others, often neglecting personal needs, desiring affection in return.
AMBITION: craves approval and belonging within social circles. They offer assistance and affection, seeking connection through helpfulness, leadership and teaching/guiding. Most assertive of the three T2s
SEDUCTION: seeks intense connections. Passionate and charming, they want to be desired and wanted. They use attraction to gain love, often sacrificing personal needs for deep emotional bonds.

- Enneagram Practitioner Certification (Level 1)
- Enneagram Coach Certification (Level 2)
- Enneagram Advanced Practitioner Certification (Level 3)
- Masterful Selling with the Enneagram (WSQ)
- Effective Business Negotiation and Influence Using Psychological Tools (WSQ)
- Self-Mastery & Authentic Communication With The Enneagram