Enneagram Type 1

The Perfectionist

The Perfectionist

Enneagram type one belong to the Gut / Body Centre. While their tendencies and ways of thinking make it seem like they are in the Head Centre, there is an inner persistence to make the world a better place and they want to make right whatever they think is not functioning in a way it should. When they do not get what they want, they tend to suppress their anger which manifests itself in frustration and irritation, while searching for ways to make amends. They are sometimes called the Perfectionists which can be good in certain instances and once it gets overboard, it will pinch the nerves of those who are acquainted with them...

Early Childhood of Enneagram Type 1

Early Childhood
What makes the Enneagram so palatable is it’s ability to explain how and why each individual behaves a certain way and what are some of these underpinnings.

The Enneagram Type 1 child can usually identify with a parent (usually a father) who was highly critical or put great emphasis on doing things in a specific way and when this standard was not met, the criticism levelled against the young child was present and sometimes severe. Where the Ones eventually grow up to be Unresourceful is if they grew up with being criticized even if the child believed they did their best but was told that it was never good enough. This fixation on never being good enough stretches into adulthood and they find it difficult to be settled in a place of “good enough’ even when it’s sometimes already great. Conversely, a Resourceful Type One child would have experienced a healthy upbringing with validation and encouragement. The two extremes in upbringing have a deep impact on how the child behaves.

in frustration and irritation, while searching for ways to make amends. They are sometimes called the Perfectionists which can be good in certain instances and once it gets overboard, it will pinch the nerves of those who are acquainted with them.

Enneagram Type 2

Strengths of the Enneagram Type 1

Limitations of Enneagram Type 1

Any type becomes Unresourceful when they begin to over-do some of the thoughts and behaviours that are typical of the type.

Reflections for the Enneagram Type 1

Subtypes for the Type One

Known as The Pioneer and their Vulnerabilities / Vices is Anxiety or Worry. Their concern for security or precision makes them do the right thing, work hard, and need to control everything, especially the environment and family.

Known as The Evangelist and their Vulnerabilities / Vices is Jealousy or Zeal. They have high standards for correct behavior, are overzealous and forceful in everything whether work or relationships, especially in improving others. 

Known as The Social Reformer and their Vulnerabilities / Vices is Non-adaptability. They have a clear set of rules, find it hard to adapt to new situations, like to role model, and teach others the right way of being or doing things.

Read more on the 27 Sub Types here.

Centre for Enneagram is powered by EQ World Pte Ltd, a consulting and training practice specialising in organisational behaviour and performance.


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